Surveillance Lead Response

In this article it describes in detail the model of surveillance as a whole.  Of coursed surveillance model originated with authority in one way or another but has evolved as communication and technology has advanced.  The question at hand is when or why is surveillance an invasion of privacy?  One might even question if it even infringes on an individuals civil liberties? After all the initial need for surveillance is to acquire information one way or another.

Another model discussed was capture.  This term was primarily used in describing the way CPU’s retrieve information “data capture”.  In our society the way capture is used a lot to track, record, and create user profiles (especially social media) in attempts to market individual wants.  for example Facebook takes your friends lists and suggest possible acquaintances to friend.  Browsers used this in their search engines to associate a user profile with a topic and or previous searches.  Then with your search and profile information they solicit other sites or adds for sales and marketing.  The way you spend online is being tracked as well.  Have you ever walked in a department store and they ask for your email address.  they say it to send you coupons but they also track how and when you shop.  every time you use a coupon code online your profile is attached to the code so they see which sales events your most likely to participate in.

Unfortunate this is not an invasion of privacy because you voluntarily participated in there sequestering of the data.  Now a day’s who reads the fine print especially in purchasing and installing software?  Some manufactures offer the position to the consumer of sending user information back to the manufactures supposedly to fix or improve upon their products.  This also cannot be considered an invasion of privacy if you gave prior authorization.  In the same respect most software today has code in it were if someone downloads an unauthorized version of a program, and tries to update, it reads and announces the product is fraudulent and friezes the software like a virus.  Also when you update your profile is tracked.  How many people read the agreement statements when installing software?  Consumers are actually agreeing to wave privacy in some cases.

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