Project 4 color your selfie

For this project my favorite color is red as you can see this my project with 3 different colors I was able to play around with colors this project was easier than the last since all we had to do was color ourselves these aspects and colors feel well fit because my personality the colors scales work well and the squares show the kind of colors which can match my faceThis image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

Color Your Selfie – 5 – Deliver

Coming to a close with this project I was very happy with the results and overall enjoyed working on it a ton. I love color and using it like this in Photoshop was fun and helped me to learn a lot. The project was pretty simple but effective in helping teach about color as well as Photoshop tools. I now know how to use the color wheel and how to find color palettes/schemes that could work well together, along with using high contrast images to make coloring easy as done in the project. I feel I did well in crafting the project as a whole, and just think I could have used better paper/ink to print with so I’ll keep that in mind for future projects.

Color Your Selfie – 3 – Develop

 Analogous Composition

 Triad Composition

 Complementary Composition

My favorite color is pink, and there are many different characteristics that come with the color. Pink is loving, kind, and generous; it entails a friendly and a soft warm aura that draws people in. I feel these are personality traits I hold along with the many more characteristics pink has. Pink is a feminine color, it’s romantic and sensitive, and I feel I’m in touch with those aspects of my personality, along with not being super masculine myself. I chose this color because I think it’s very pretty and I always loved working with it and using it when I could. I enjoyed using it in this project and exploring how well it works with it’s different color scales.


This is my final piece for Project 4 – Color Your Selfie. Being able to use Photoshop for this project was pretty cool. For the most part I enjoyed working with all sorts of colors and applying it my selfie. Overall I’m just glad that it came out pretty neat and not all crooked and sloppy. This project wasn’t so bad.


My favorite color is green. Apparently the color green symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. I chose the color green because something about it stood out to me unlike the other colors, and because it reminded me of so many things, such as nature, reptiles, food and so much more. The color green does bring back memories but I’m not sure if it matches my personality.