Case Study 24

Case 24: Budget or Bid

During a career of an architect you’re bound to face problems between the owner, contractor and architect. This case study to keep things brief is about just that involving a situation in which the owner refuses to pay more to the contractor due to the owner not becoming aware of some information. In my opinion this case was interesting because this can actually happen to owners. Now somethings that went wrong to lead up to this conflict was for one the owner had a lack of experience when talking to the contractor in which some cases the owner would keep the architect by their side to help out with problems like this. In addition, there was miscommunication of information in that the contractor and owner should document this verbal talks as an example of email, etc. Also since this was an estimated budget construction the owner should always be aware that costs and time will make prices increase in the end. Throughout the case communication, documentation and lack of experience between the owner and contractor to make sure this doesn’t happen in a project.

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