Dream Job-Kevin Carrillo

Since I was young, I’ve always been interested in the design & construction field. I always enjoyed watching how different elements were brought together to form massive structures. In my head, I would always look up at those tall buildings and think to myself that one day I would design such structure. I was always interested on the hands-on design projects in high school, but they were more focused on the engineering aspect. However, I was always interested in the design process. I liked the idea of starting something from scratch and build on from it to complete a finished product. Here at NYCCT I learned that architecture is more than focusing on the beauty aspect of a facade. I’ve learned that architecture means to take into consideration various different aspects of a site and fully develop it to generally solve a problem. I enjoy studying Architecture as it not only allows us to learn from past world history and design methods, but to also push towards new and innovative technology that is beneficial to our planet (green /LEED) designs, while at the same solving problems that will benefit people.

As for my dream job, I would like to first continue my education after completing my bachelor’s degree and work towards my Master’s degree in one of the following: Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture,  or possibly in the Construction Management-related field. As for work; I’d currently like to get an internship or part time/full time job at a small firm as this will allow me to learn more about the procedures taken in the AEC field. Although, it could be more work compared to a larger firm, I would like to get basic knowledge of different type work done in an actual architectural project to fully understand every step from beginning to end. eventually, I would like to work for a bigger firm and possibly work on projects all over the world. I would like to gain as much experience possible and in the future take the ARE and hopefully become a Registered Architect someday. Maybe someday open my own firm, but there is a vast amount of work to be done; therefore I’m working on learning as much as I can now in the present to eventually make everything easier in the future!

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