Viviana’s Profile

Active 3 years, 1 months ago
Display Name
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology
Academic interests

Develop new lectures and labs as well as programs in Optics and Remote Sensingfield

Work Phone
347 995 0359

My Courses

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing

Highlights the physical and mathematical principles underlying remote sensing techniques, covering the radiative transfer equation,atmospheric sounding techniques, interferometric and lidar systems, and an introduction to image processing. The lab component introduces remote sensing software HYDRA, and MATLAB, used for image display and data analysis.



Characteristics and Applications of semiconductor elements such as diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors are covered. Applications include dc power supplies, voltage regulators, small signal amplifiers (single and multi-stage), operational amplifiers, negative feedback, and frequency response.

EET 3120 Sensors and Instruments

EET 3120 Sensors and Instruments

An introduction to the world of electrical and optical sensors with applications in bioengineering, environmental remote sensing fields and many more. The topics cover description of sensor performance, temperature sensors, light sensors, force sensors, displacement sensors, motion sensors, environmental sensors, sound sensors, chemical sensors, sensor interfacing, instrumentation techniques and switching mechanisms. The lab component of this course introduced sensors control using NI LabView software and NI ELVIS hardware

TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management

TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management

This course deals with the technical management of a telecommunication network, personnel tasks, staffing patterns suitable to diverse telecommunications firms and users, with an overview of the issues facing the network manager. Included are studies of cost and trade-offs involved in the design and operation of a telecommunications network. Reliability, MTBF, RFP, and MTTR life cycle are analyzed. Traffic patterns and the study of equipment/manpower balance considerations are covered.

Transmission Systems

Transmission Systems

Introduction to the analysis of microwave communications and systems. Transmission line theory, the Smith chart and mathematical analysis are incorporated. Various transmission media such as twowire, twisted telephone wires, coaxial cable, waveguides, fiber and satellite are studied. Study of microwave components, Tee connectors, attenuators, slotted lines and cavities are included. Antenna design and radio-wave propagation are also covered (introduced). Concludes with a study of microwave applications and systems. Prerequisite: EET 2140; Pre- or corequisite: MAT 1475

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

NYCCT College Council

NYCCT College Council

The Project Site for the New YorK City College of Technology College Council.

Living Lab Fellows

Living Lab Fellows

This project archive compiles the experiences of the Living Lab General Education Seminar Fellows over the 5 year period of the grant. It includes the reflections of participants and compilations of course portfolios with links to OpenLab course sites.

CityTech Faculty Research Poster Session 2021

CityTech Faculty Research Poster Session 2021

City Tech Poster Session features the results of the research of faculty and students. The Poster Session has become a tradition at the College to highlight achievements of our faculty and students. Each year our Poster Session has become more interesting and successful. Please see the research and innovations presented during the 19th Annual Poster Session on November 18, 2021 by visiting the Project Site! >>>>>

OpenLab Pioneers!

OpenLab Pioneers!

This project is a central hub of communication for the first group of faculty fellows in the “Living Lab” Title V grant. Westward, ho! (cc-licensed group avatar by HeedingtheMuses)

My Clubs

Viviana hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.