Viviana’s Profile

Active 2 years, 11 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5)
Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

NYCCT College Council

The Project Site for the New YorK City College of Technology College Council.

Living Lab Fellows

Living Lab Fellows

This project archive compiles the experiences of the Living Lab General Education Seminar Fellows over the 5 year period of the grant. It includes the reflections of participants and compilations of course […]

CityTech Faculty Research Poster Session 2021

Anna Matthews

City Tech Poster Session features the results of the research of faculty and students. The Poster Session has become a tradition at the College to highlight achievements of our faculty and students. Each year our […]

OpenLab Pioneers!

OpenLab Pioneers!

This project is a central hub of communication for the first group of faculty fellows in the ”Living Lab” Title V grant. Westward, ho! (cc-licensed group avatar by HeedingtheMuses)