Scholarship opportunities

Dear MECH/IND students,

Please see the message from CUNY research academy for the scholarship

Dr. Nakamura



Dear CUNY STEM academic community,

Please find attached information on scholarship opportunities for our CUNY students who are pursuing study in a STEM field, funded by New York Community Trust.  CUNY Office of K16 Initiatives/STEM Research Academy is overseeing the collection and initial review of scholarship applications. 

The application link opened today and will close on May 15, 2023.  Scholarship award letters will be sent out before the end of June.  Further details can be found on the flyer. 

Please forward to your department faculty to share with students. 


Dear MECH/IND students

Please see the 5-day AI summer school below.

Dr. Nakamura


I’m an organizer of the 4th NYU AI School, requesting to share this with your students please. This is a free, in-person, 5-day AI summer school for undergraduate students, especially those identifying as minorities and other underserved populations. We also encourage non-CS majors and those without programming experience to join, with special tracks for their benefit!

We’ve already received some applications from students at your institute in the past so we’re reaching out again to ensure the message reaches everyone.

Applications are open to the 4th NYU AI School and we’d love to have students at your institute participate in the free event for early undergraduates. I would really appreciate it if you would share the attached blurb/poster with students:

The NYU AI School is a week-long in-person* summer school on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Participants will learn the basics of AI and ML from experts, get hands-on experience applying it to images and text, and explore career paths in the field. We encourage students with and without a programming background to apply for the event, and prioritize those who lack institutional resources to study AI/ML!

Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis with the deadline on April 6th, 2023.

*with measures for switching to an online event,  subject to COVID guidelines in March

We’re really excited to host the next generation of talent and welcome participation from your institution. Feel free to shoot any questions or comments my way or to Thank you!

Application Link:

Application Form:


Master’s in Translational Medicine (MTM) at CCNY

Dear MECH/IND students,

Please see below.

Master’s in Translational Medicine (MTM)​ 

Dr. Nakamura


Dear Dr. Masato Nakamura, 

I hope all is well! 

Could you please send this email to your students? 

Thank you very much! 


Assistant Director, 

Master’s in Translational Medicine (MTM) 

The City College of New York / Grove School of Engineering, RM 503


Phone: (212) 650- 7578

MTM web site:​ 

ZEISS Service Engineer Summer Internship from June 12th to August 4th, 2023

Dear MECH/IND Students,

Please see below regarding paid internship opportunities.

Dr. Nakamura


Dear Administration of City Tech’s Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology,

I found your contact information online and am writing to see if you would be willing to share the internship announcement below with City Tech’s ME Programs. Most successful applicants in previous cycles found out about this opening through emails from their departments.

This is a paid summer internship for ZEISS, and we are excited to offer an opportunity to a select group of qualified STEM majors in their last and second to last year. We are recruiting for openings in the Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City metropolitan areas. The program runs from June 12th to August 4th. During the program interns will be trained in the basics of either electron microscopy or light microscopy repair and troubleshooting techniques then shadow Service Engineers in the field.

Link to apply for all locations:—CA-and-NYC_JR_1021519

Link to hear about the ZEISS Intern Experience:

Thank you in advance for your consideration, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great day ahead.

Best regards,


Bloomberg: Full-Time/Internship opportunities

Dear MECH/IND students and alumni

Bloomberg is hiring a lot of CUNY students in various majors. Please see the information below.

Dr. Nakamura

Full-Time Opportunities for current Seniors and Recent Grads

Internships Opportunities for current Juniors

Sophomore Opportunities

Apply here: Bloomberg’s Business Externships | Deadline: March 15th

Through our Externship program, you’ll spend a week at Bloomberg’s offices, learning about our work and culture while exploring one of our integral business areas – Analytics & Sales, Data, and Financial Research Data. At the end of the externship, you’ll have early access to interview and secure a 2024 internship role!

This is a great opportunity for you if…

  • You are interested in launching a career in finance, data, and/or tech
  • You are open to summer 2024 internship opportunities at Bloomberg

Sounds like you? Read about our various departments that are hosting Externs and apply to the one you’re most interested in. Deadline: March 15th Additional details below:

Travel, hotel, meals courtesy of Bloomberg

  • 2023 Analytics and Sales Externship – New York, NY | May 23-26
  • 2023 Financial Research Externship – New York, NY | May 23-26
  • 2023 Analytics and Sales Externship – San Francisco, CA | May 23-26
  • 2023 Data Externship – Princeton, NJ | May 22-26

Freshman Opportunities

Exploratory Opportunities for 1st Year Students

  • This virtual experience is an excellent opportunity for 1st year students to gain exposure to Bloomberg, our culture, employees, and potential career paths. There are also ample opportunities for professional development. Link to apply below.

Spring 2023 MECH dept meetings

Please put the following schedule on your calendar:

Regular Department meetings (for all Faulty, CLTs, COA)
++Wednesday, March 1, 2022, 1-2pm (hybrid)
++Wednesday, March 29, 2022, 1-2pm (in-person)
++Wednesday, April 19, 2022, 1-2pm (hybrid)

Curriculum Committee Meetings (for all Faulty, CLTs, COA)
++Wednesday, March 15, 2022, 1-2pm (hybrid)
++Wednesday, May 3, 2022, 1-2pm (hybrid)
++Wednesday, May 17, 2022, 1-2pm (in-person)

City Tech Computer lab hours, Spring 2023

Dear MECH/IND students,

Please see the following message from City Tech Library.

Dr. Nakamura

Dear Colleagues, 

Attached are the Spring 2023 hours of operation of the college’s computer labs for spring 2023.  Please let your students know about these hours as well as the following resources, many newly available. We want our students to feel supported on campus, know they can borrow needed tools and where to find them, and to take advantage of the places to learn outside the classroom and collaborate with others. 

  1. Library
    1. short term laptop loaner program (1 week);
    2. headphone loans (1 day);
    3. small group study rooms that can be requested at the check-out desk;  
    4. computers and charging locations for bring-your-own-device study
  1. iTEC labs, G600 and V217
    1. technical support with BlackBoard and Schedule Builder (for registration);
    2. computers and tables with charging stations for bring-your-own-device study or group work;
    3. power cord loaner program;
    4. web cam loaner program for online instruction on campus
  1. Writing Center – now located in G608; enter through G600. Open house launch 2/14/23
  1. Learning Center, LG18
    1. technical support (Judy Rockway);
    2. Microsoft Office technical support.
    3. computers

Tutoring available Spring 2023

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Courses: EET 1122, MECH 2426, MECH 3501, MECH 3572 MECH 3672, IND 2304

Tutor: Leticia Donkor

Online: Skype ID: live:donkorleticia5
In-Person: V217

Thursday: 11:30am – 2:30pm (online)
Friday: 2pm – 5pm (V217)

Perkins Peer Advisement

Deadline February 28, 2023: CUNY Career Launch application for summer 2023 internships with the Mayor’s Office Public Engagement Unit

Dear Students,

We are pleased to let you know that the CUNY Career Launch application for summer 2023 internships with the Mayor’s Office Public Engagement Unit (PEU) is still open! The deadline has been extended to February 28, 2023! Please forward this email to at least one friend to let them know of this great opportunity. 

APPLY HERECUNY Career Launch (

  • Do you want to get paid $20/hour up to total of $2600 – $3400 for serving your community?
  • Do you want to boost your resume and future salary with real world experience? 
  • Do you meet program eligibility criteria such a 2.0 or above GPA?
  • Are you between 18 – 24 years old?
  • Do you want opportunities to improve your community by helping others?
  • Do you want to build your professional network with the Mayor’s Office Public Engagement Unit, hundreds of our community partners and two thousand other Career Launch interns?

Information Sessions: Please register for an upcoming info session to learn more:

Wednesday 2/22, 11 am

City Tech now leads the Mayor’s Office Public Engagement hub (PEU) for the CUNY Career Launch Initiative. We are specifically interested in recruiting students from all CUNY colleges who are interested in work related to social justice, government, and community outreach. Only students who apply to PEU internships (described as “grassroots organizing” in the application) can earn up to $3400 for the summer.

PEU internships, open to all majors, give students like you a chance to improve New York City’s future one person a time. To create healthy, caring, and resilient communities, students will conduct proactive in-person outreach to vulnerable New Yorkers in the community and connect them to important government benefits and neighborhood resources.

While making a difference in the lives of fellow New Yorkers, students like you also gain real-world experience and expand your transferable job skills such as leadership, communication, and confidence. While increasing your knowledge of social issues, PEU internships can help add valuable experience to your resume and expand your professional network as well.  We provide professional training and support to help you have a meaningful, paid summer internship!

Attached is a flyer. Here is the link to the website. The application and full list of eligibility requirements are here.  Again, the extended deadline is February 28, 2023.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


CUNY Career Launch & CUNY Service Corps @ City Tech
New York City College of Technology

Professional Development Center
300 Jay Street, L114
Brooklyn, NY 11201