Dear MECH/IND students,
Please see the following message from City Tech Library.
Dr. Nakamura

Dear Colleagues,
Attached are the Spring 2023 hours of operation of the college’s computer labs for spring 2023. Please let your students know about these hours as well as the following resources, many newly available. We want our students to feel supported on campus, know they can borrow needed tools and where to find them, and to take advantage of the places to learn outside the classroom and collaborate with others.
- Library
- short term laptop loaner program (1 week);
- headphone loans (1 day);
- small group study rooms that can be requested at the check-out desk;
- computers and charging locations for bring-your-own-device study
- iTEC labs, G600 and V217
- technical support with BlackBoard and Schedule Builder (for registration);
- computers and tables with charging stations for bring-your-own-device study or group work;
- power cord loaner program;
- web cam loaner program for online instruction on campus
- Writing Center – now located in G608; enter through G600. Open house launch 2/14/23
- Learning Center, LG18
- technical support (Judy Rockway);
- Microsoft Office technical support.
- computers