Zero Tolerance for Harassment, Aggressive Pressure or Intimidation

Re: Campaign: Zero Tolerance for Harassment, Aggressive Pressure or Intimidation

In April 2021, the MECH department community will start a campaign called “Zero Tolerance for Harassment.” Our community does not accept any harassment, aggressive pressure, or intimidation among students and faculty, College Lab Technical (CLT) staff, CUNY Office Administrative (COA) Staff in the MECH department as well as the College and University levels. We believe this campaign is helpful for working to prevent any inappropriate behavior around us.

If you support this campaign, please sign this form:

If you see something, please say something (or just email me at I’m happy to hear any concerns from you.

Masato Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.
Chair of MECH department

Harassment: US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission web:

Workplace harassment:

MECH Department Reopening Plan

8/28/2022 updated


11/16/2021 Updated

The MECH Department follows the following Reopening Plan.


08/17/2021 Updated

The MECH Department follows the original version of the City Tech Reopening Plan (see below).

Current College plan:

Research Project in 3D printing Li-ion batteries

Hi MECH and IND students

Professor Jay Deiner manages a recently funded project in 3D printing Li-ion batteries and he will accept one more undergraduate student to the research group. The plan for this semester would be a virtual project, 6 hours per week, $15/hr. If you are interested in this project, contact Professor Jay Deiner ( ).

Dr. Nakamura

We still have a lot of ipads, chromes and MiFis. We also have a few laptops. Please pass along the info.

A reminder that loaner devices are still available to students.

We still have a lot of ipads, chromes and WiFis. We also have a few laptops.  Please pass along the info. 

Here’s the form to request a device:

Here’s the site for general loaner info:

Invitation to Join MECH&IND Advising Town Hall on Thursdays, January 7th and 14th

Dear MECH&IND Student:

We hope your finals went smoothly and that you are looking forward to a joyful and safe winter break. Please know that we are here to help you as you make two important decisions.

  1. Fall 2020 credit/no credit policy: (CR/NC) – Until Saturday, January 16, 2021, you can choose to convert one or more of your Fall 2020 letter grades. To ensure that you make the most advantageous choice so that you may keep moving forward to your degree and future goals, it is important to review the CR/NC policy and FAQs and to consult with an advisor before making a final decision.
  2. Spring 2021 classes: Registering for the right classes in Spring 2021 will save you both time and money.  

The department of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Industrial Design Technology is pleased to invite you to join faculty advisors at a town hall meeting.

Date: Thursdays, January 7 and 14
Time: 1pm
Place: MECH dept virtual chair’s office
(no login, no password required)
Info: MECH Openlab community site

We will have a short presentation and then answer your questions.

We hope you’ll be able to join us!

Masato R. Nakamrua, Eng.Sc.D., Chair of MECH&IND Department


  1. Select “HR/Campus Solutions”
  2. Select “Reporting Tools”
  3. Select “Query”
  4. Select “Query Viewer”
  5. In the empty box, enter: CU_SR_CLASS_SCHED_DATA_ORIG
    Note: This is NOT case sensitive; you may enter it in lowercase letters
  6. Select “Search”
  7. When the “Search Results” appear, select “Excel” under “Run to Excel”; a new window
    will open
  8. Enter the correct criteria (not case sensitive):
    a. Academic Institution – NYT01
    b. Term – select term
    c. Subject – select subject
    d. Career ‐ UGRD
  9. Select “View Results”; a new window will open
  10. Select either “Open” or “Save” and follow any subsequent prompts