Design Project 1

Out of the many articles I’ve design for Observer, I would say this piece is one of my favorites. I had to create a piece themed around Valentine’s Day. When doing this piece I wanted to stay way from more of the cheesy depictions of valentine’s day and wanted to focus more on the act of giving/receiving aspect since the article talked about what kind of gift should you get your significant other. So I found some licensed images from the companies Getty’s account and played around with color to get to the finished product.



This collage that I’ve done for another article would be my second favorite design I’ve done for the lifestyle section of It explains how social media steps in to stop certain businesses from blatantly copying off of other famous fashion designers work. In turn, I created a piece that reflects just that in a collage with vibrant colors and created a social media mockup post. My supervisor found it humorous and felt that it worked perfectly.


A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio