Entry 1: Ethical Reasoning

My answer to both questions A&B:

In regards to the ethical guidelines discussed in the AIGA guide, before tasked with doing any work my supervisor had set a meeting with me to talk about creative commons and how they use stock images. My supervisor had given me a list of stock image sites that the company has access to while also stating to only use images under creative commons and commercial use only when doing my artwork for their articles. My supervisor also discuss and made sure that I credited Photographers for the images they’ve taken for certain articles as well. Since the company mainly uses GettyImages, they have a membership in order to download certain stock images from that site. I found the meeting with my supervisor helpful to refresh my memory on their take on ethics. At the start of the internship I had to sign a user agreement form that stated that I couldn’t talk about the unpublished work at Observer Media which didn’t affect my journal entries as long as the work I created was published.

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