Video Project

For the original video, please click on the link below:


Final video

For this project, I recorded an interview of a fellow classmate.  Using an editing program, I   shorten the clip to 2.5 minutes. Since it’s been a while that I’ve used iMovie, it took some time to re-associate myself with the program. I also struggled  adding the soundtrack I wanted, so I settled  for a round of applause sound effect offered on the program. Although it took some time to put together, in the end, I was able to create a  video with  type and music.  But, there was a problem…as I was watching the “final” video, my eyes kept  going to the green screen behind my classmate.  I wanted to fix this, but I didn’t know how.  Thank God,  a classmate in another class, Jessica M., was able to help  and with the use of the  YouTube links listed below, I was able to incorporate a landscape background using Adobe Premiere Pro.