Overcoming Obstacles (Journal Entry # 6)

Girl with arms uphttps://pixabay.com/photos/confused-hands-up-unsure-perplexed-2681507/


So far, I have worked on a social media assignment, a motion graphic, and a logo. Out of these assignments, the motion graphic was the hardest project. I had no experience with motion, though I did take an animation course, I eventually discovered that it is totally different. I always thought that motion was a three-dimensional form of animation or the birth child of video editing and animation. But as per Matt Ellis of 99 Designs, “Motion graphics focus on giving movement to graphic design elements, but tend to have less of a concrete storytelling aspect than other types of animation.”

After coming up with an idea of what I wanted for the graphic, I watched a couple of YouTube tutorials on how to do specific effects. It took a week and some change to complete a thirty second graphic. Around five days of assigning the project, my supervisor offered me a chance to get another assignment, but I chose to stick it through in hopes of gaining experience in this area. I also wanted to demonstrate a sense of perseverance and willingness to do my job. Though my project was not as successful as I wanted it to be, regarding timing, I am glad to have gained minimal knowledge.

The Learning Process (Journal Entry # 5)

Feedback written on chalkboardhttps://pixabay.com/photos/feedback-exchange-of-ideas-debate-2463927/

Throughout the course of this internship, I have tried to better my skills as a designer. I believe that, my strengths are in the following areas: research, conceptualization, typographic design, color theory, teamwork, and leadership. Furthermore, since my focus is in Advertising and Graphic Design, I have a proficient knowledge of print and digital layouts. Though I have these skills, this internship was a totally different experience for me. As a student, my professors accustomed me to receiving feedback on my work. After I submitted my first project, I automatically expected criticism or possibly some praise from my supervisor. When I had not heard from her, I started to worry. I shared my concerns with my professor, and it was then that I learned that feedback in the job place is a no-no. The next day, I reviewed my work and realized that I had done everything wrong. Following my research, I restructured my assignment and I sent it once again. That same day, my supervisor emailed me and told me that the company only uses black and white. With this new information in mind, I searched for ways to implement this color palette and was able to send her the finalized project the next day.

Change of Setting (Journal Entry # 4)email


On the wake of Covid-19, many companies had to redefine their work culture. Instead of being able to meet in person, supervisors, as well as their employees, had to quickly adapt to a new norm. This meant no in-person meetings/conferences and no socializing with co-workers. In fact, the only person I contacted during my internship was my supervisor. To keep track of my time, I emailed her every day at 8:15 am to start and 2:15pm to end. She assigned me a new assignment every week via email and gave me free reign. Upon the completion the completion of each project, I emailed her the final projects and waited for my supervisor to respond with the next task.