Instructor: Suman Ganguli

Open Thread: Post Helpful Links!

Since some of you have come across useful links/videos that might help others in the class, I thought I would create a post where we can share helpful links.

So: if you have come across a link that you’ve found useful for our course (e.g., a YouTube video, a KhanAcademy quiz, etc), please post useful links as comments to this post (please include also a 1-sentence description of the content of the link and/or why you found it useful!)

(See my first comment below for an example.)

Note: each link you post at any point before the end of the semester will count as 1 participation point toward the Participation component of your course grade.


  1. Suman Ganguli

    I have mentioned in class that I like PatrickJMT’s YouTube videos. Here is a video of his where he goes through some examples of solving quadratic equations by completing the square:

  2. Jena Lee

    Every level of math. You can start from foundation and work your way up.

  3. Jena Lee

    Good reading on how to read and understand math problems.

  4. Jena Lee

    Great reading on tips for studying Algebra.

  5. Suman Ganguli

    Thanks for posting these links Jena!

    Here’s a fun video produced by the National Science Foundation (& the NFL) illustrating how parabolas arise in nature:

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