Your first OpenLab assignments are to

  1. join the course group, and
  2. (a) introduce yourself to your classmates and (b) write a short “mathography” about your experiences with mat (see below).

This assignment is due Tuesday, September 7.  Each of these assignments will earn you one point towards the Participation component of your course grade. Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Introduce yourself: Post a comment in reply to this post introducing yourself to the class.  Your comment should be 1 or 2 (short) paragraphs in length:

  1. In the first paragraph, introduce yourself in whatever way you wish. You could include:
  • your academic interests, including your major if you have chosen one;
  • where you’re from and/or where you currently live;
  • where you went to high school;
  • what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time;
  • and anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish). 

2. In the second paragraph, choose ONE of the following two topics and write a short response:

Topics (choose ONE).

  1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?
  2. Sometimes people can recognize a time when their opinion of math dramatically changed either for the better or the worse. Tell us about it.

Optional: Get to know your classmates! You can write a response to one of your classmates’ comments by using the “Reply” button under a given comment. Do you have similar interests? Did you learn anything? Do you have any advice? Please be kind!