We will primarily be using the following free online textbooks, which are hosted on the online textbook platform OpenStax:

  1. Intermediate Algebra 2e by Lynn Marecek & Andrea Mathis, et al: https://openstax.org/details/books/intermediate-algebra-2e
  2. Algebra and Trigonometry by Jay Abramson, et al: https://openstax.org/details/books/algebra-and-trigonometry 

If you’d like to consult traditional textbooks, the following two textbooks are also used for MAT1275CO:

  1. Intermediate Algebra by Miller, O’Neill, and Hyde, 5th edition
  2. Trigonometry by Coburn, 2nd edition

(If you’d like to buy a hard copy of one of these to refer to during the semester, I’d suggest looking for a used copy online, even if it’s of an earlier edition.)