Instructor: Suman Ganguli

Category: Participation

Open Thread: WebWork Questions on “AddRationalExpressions2”, “ComplexFractions-Method1”, “ComplexFractions-Method2”

If you get stuck on any of the exercises in these WebWork sets over the next week (these HW sets are due Tues Nov 30), you can post a comment below saying which exercise you’re stuck on and a brief description of what you tried to do, and I will reply with a hint or solution.

For example, you could post the following:

I am stuck on ComplexFractions-Method1: Problem 4. I simplified the complex fraction by multiplying the given numerator by the reciprocal of the given denominator and got to ‘7(a+9)/(81-a^2)’ but I got the error message ‘Your answer can be reduced further.’ I’m not sure how to reduce further!

Every comment will get a Participation point!

Individual Midterm Conferences

As I discussed Friday in class, I would like to have individual midterm conferences with everyone in the class this week, where we will have a chance to discuss your progress in the course so far and give you a sense of your midterm grade. Here is the procedure/plan:

  • Sign up for a 10-minute time slot in this spreadsheet–just type your name in any open green cell:
    • If none of the available time slots work with your schedule, please send me an email with your availability, and we will figure out an alternate time.
  • Conferences will take place over Blackboard Collaborate. I will schedule Blackboard Collaborate sessions for these times.
    • Please have your mic and if possible your camera turned on.
  • Each time slot is for 10 minutes, which should give us enough time to go through your exam, quiz, and homework scores, and discuss potential areas of improvement for the rest of the semester.
  • This individual conference is meant as a way for us to finally talk on a one-on-one basis, and have a discussion about your progress in the course. Hopefully it will be a good experience for all of us!
  • You will receive 3 participation points (towards the 10% Participation Component of your course grade) for signing up and attending an individual conference.

Open Thread: Post Helpful Links!

Since some of you have come across useful links/videos that might help others in the class, I thought I would create a post where we can share helpful links.

So: if you have come across a link that you’ve found useful for our course (e.g., a YouTube video, a KhanAcademy quiz, etc), please post useful links as comments to this post (please include also a 1-sentence description of the content of the link and/or why you found it useful!)

(See my first comment below for an example.)

Note: each link you post at any point before the end of the semester will count as 1 participation point toward the Participation component of your course grade.