Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020

MOG final ad campaign


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1 Comment

  1. Eva Machauf

    This is a better format however there needs to be more hierarchy. Everything on the page is made important through size and color. The tag line, ‘Street Art is Art’ is just as big as the titles of the exhibitions. It could be a small tag line beneath the logo. The color around the hour and location information makes it stand out too. Everything hits the eye at once.
    1. Make the jacket bigger and add an attribution–who made it? (In small type)
    2. This is the most successful ad and has some hierarchy with the ‘Street Art is Art’ taking on the role of a title. The attribution is too big, should not be placed at the top and should read ‘Black Panther’ by Tristan Eaton.
    3. This ad appears to be targeting a different audience, artists rather than art lovers. Galleries represent, museums collect and do not solicit, rather they heave curators that select art. You’d be better served by featuring another artist in this one. The photo is very general, he could be doing anything, and the background doesn’t read as art. For instance, the museum could be doing a show on BLM street art.

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