My research question is: how has the coronavirus pandemic lockdown impacted healthy eating habits and our relationship with food? This topic interests me because extreme weight gain/ weight loss has been one of the most common noticeable changes in many, …
Author: Maryfer Mariano
RAB proposal paragraph- Maryfer
My research question is: how has the CV pandemic impacted and changed the high school class of 2020’s mental and emotional health? This topic interests me because the CV pandemic impacted my life tremendously and was one of the toughest …
Reading Response Obama- Maryfer
The night of toot’s and Stanley’s argument, Obama drove to one of his grandfather’s friends house and there, told him about the argument his grandparents had had. They sat at Frank’s porch and drank whisky while Frank told Obama that …
Introduction- Maryfer
Hi, I’m Maryfer Mariano and I’m 19 years old. I was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to the US when I was 9 years old along with my mom and dad and my younger sister who in fact …
Writing Task resilience- Maryfer
Being part of the highschool graduating class of 2020, I as well as many other students struggled with the whole switch from in person classes to all online courses. Freshman year of college is in my opinion the best year …
Maryfer Mariano- FD #1
Part one: What is the effect of Douglass’s own reading, in general, for him? Reread paragraphs five and six. In responding to this question, look carefully at how he describes his reading of both “The Columbian Orator,” and Sheridan’s speeches …
Writing task between two worlds- Maryfer Mariano
For most of my life, I’ve grown up between two worlds. I was categorized as the girl from 602 or 702 or 802 which happened to be the bilingual classes at my middle school for 6th grade, 7th, and 8th …
Writing task mentor quote- Maryfer MARIANO
“Maryfer, no va a ser fácil…Nada que valga la pena en esta vida es fácil de obtener, Cuando yo estaba estudiando, fue mucho el trabajo que pasé. Venimos de una familia pobre y con más Razón debemos esforzarnos más que …