My research question is:How to prevent the adolescents from early marijuana use?
I want to teach my audience that early drug use can come with great risk. The risk in question is possible mental disorders and physical issues. The …
A City Tech OpenLab Course Site
My research question is:How to prevent the adolescents from early marijuana use?
I want to teach my audience that early drug use can come with great risk. The risk in question is possible mental disorders and physical issues. The …
My research question is: How to prevent the adolescents from early marijuana use?
educational video:
For my unit 3 essay I could make a educational video. I could probably ask some cannabis users about their own experiences on the drug. …
My research question is, How does marijuana affect the adolescent mind? This topic interests me because there are so many different debates on this topic, as in cause and effects. It’s also interesting in a way I can relate because …
My research question is:How does marijuana affect the adolescent mind?
Here are links for my three sources:
Source 1 News article:
Source 2 opinion piece:
Source 3 performance art video:
RQ-How does marijuana affect the adolescent mind?
O’connor, Anahad. “Teenage Brains May Be Especially Vulnerable to Marijuana and Other Drugs.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Mar. 2021,
My second source will be:…
Part 3
The article “Schools are Killing Curiosity” by Wendy Berliner, a writer for education. Berliner shows how children get less curious when going through school. The educators and parents are the main target audience; the secondary audience is the …
Part 1 — MLA Citation
Berliner, Wendy. “’Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” The Guardian, Guardian News, and Media, 28 Jan. 2020,
Part 2- Summary
In the article “Schools …
The Effects of Mary Jane
My research question is, How does marijuana affect the adolescent mind?.
This topic interests me because there are so many different debates on this topic, as in cause and effects. It’s also interesting in a …
When I think back to the saying now, it was for the better but back then I wasn’t trying to hear those words. I wanted everything handed to me. I was lazy, and didn’t like doing much. I was 14, …