Project Proposal-Michael Morales

My research question is: How can integrating green infrastructure in urban architectural designs contribute to the sustainability of buildings while enhancing the resilience of urban areas to climate change?

The genre I am most interested in basing my Unit 3 assignment on, is a photo essay. Visually, a photo essay can capture the innovative aspects of sustainable design.  I want to highlight the issue I learned in Unit 2 of “greenwashing” which is a term used to make a project look sustainable without being sustainable. I plan to have images showcasing sustainable buildings around the world and showing elements such as green roofs, solar panels, or materials repurposed in ways that readers might not have imagined. I also want to showcase some failed attempts at sustainable architecture and how it could have been avoided or improved. The audience I would want to reach is urban planners, architects, policymakers, and environmental activists as these are people of have a direct impact on our community. So far I don’t have any worries. The mentor quote I chose is I chose this because I found it interesting how it tells the story of how the pandemic made women stop dying their hair having them leaving it grey. It shows pictures of different women and tells each one of their stories about why they stopped dying their hair and chose to leave it grey.

1 thought on “Project Proposal-Michael Morales”

  1. OK

    Careful it’s a mentor text not “The mentor quote.”

    Important point about photo essay. The heart of the photo essay is the PHOTO and the text should be focused on the photos. Best way is to take your own photos for a photo essay, but if you choose to gather the photos from the web, well – ok but PLEASE ADD SOME PHOTOS THAT YOU TAKE YOURSELF OF LOCAL ARCHITECTURE.

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