Outline- Ted Talk- Evelyn Castillo

This is a Ted Talk.

  • Hook
  • Introduction
  • Key/main ideas
  • First Key Idea (Pain dismissal in history)
  • Second Key idea (Pain dismissal/gender disparity in medical education)
  • Third Key Idea (How can we advocate to be heard at the doctor/why is this a social movement not just a problem)
  • Conclusion

Word by word script:

Imagine you are seated in the doctor’s office. You are telling your doctor how painful it is for you to walk, to eat, to sleep. And although you may think that the doctor is taking your pain seriously, the first question he asks is “have thought of losing weight”. This is my friend’s story. Who later was diagnosed with a severe liver illness. However this is not just one person’s story, this is almost every woman’s story. Every woman who walks up to the doctor with the hope of curing their pain yet they walk out with nothing more than misogynistic comments, questioning themselves if their pain is even real. My name is Evelyn Castillo and today I will share with you how we can end women’s pain dismissal.

We all know that since long ago gender biases were formed. The most clear way to see this is the term “hysteria” which was derived from the Greek word hystera which means uterus. And this was refrained to define women’s illness which could not be “resolved”. These moments in history marked women’s path to now, women’s complaints were often attributed to emotional instability rather than genuine medical concerns.

In today’s world, despite advancements in medicine, gender and racial disparities persist. Studies show that women, especially women of color, are more likely to be misdiagnosed or have their pain trivialized compared to their males. This isn’t just a matter of individual bias; it’s a systemic issue rooted in the lack of diversity in medical education and clinical research.

For example, Liz Szabo, an enterprise reporter, highlights how women and minorities are disproportionately affected by medical errors. From heart failure being misdiagnosed as postpartum depression to the underrepresentation of diverse patients in medical textbooks, where we see that women and minorities simply are not there.

Though research might illustrate my point I would like to share more than just research. The story of Typhanie Yanique a Caribbean American fiction writer, poet and essayist and her experience during pregnancy, where her pain was brushed aside until it led to a broken pelvis, which underscores the urgency of addressing this issue.

Yanique’s poignant account reveals how even black women physicians can internalize biases, perpetuating the cycle of pain dismissal. Her journey to find a doctor who would listen echoes the struggles of countless women navigating a healthcare system that fails to prioritize their well-being.

(Key Advocating for Change)
However, amidst these challenges, there’s hope. Voices like Dr. Sheetal DeCaria are leading the charge for change. In her TEDxTalk, she sheds light on the pervasive bias against women’s pain in the medical field and calls for a paradigm shift in how we approach patient care.

Dr. DeCaria’s journey from physician to patient opened her eyes to the systemic flaws in pain management. Her impassioned plea for healthcare professionals to listen to their patients and challenge their own biases serves as reform.

Coming back to my friend’s story. She eventually decided to become part of the healthcare system because there was no one better than herself to show and care about others the way none cared about her illness. This is what I believe healthcare should be. A system that supports you, trusts you and will listen to you no matter your color, your race, your economic status.

In conclusion, the dismissal of women’s pain is not just a medical issue; it’s a social injustice that demands our attention. By amplifying voices, sharing stories, and advocating for change, we can dismantle the barriers that prevent women from receiving the care they deserve. Together, let’s pave the way for a more equitable healthcare system. We together should no longer tolerate having our pain dismissal. Let’s together advocate for what matters. Your pain.

Thank you.

My main message is to advocate for women voices to be heard at the doctor’s office.

1 thought on “Outline- Ted Talk- Evelyn Castillo”

  1. OK — You will give me this script along with your creator’s statement in the Unit 3 part of the Final Portfolio.

    I think your talk needs to go into details (storytelling) of Yanique’s story and Dr. DeCaria’s story. ALSO more details from Liz Szabo piece.

    ALSO you should give pointers / tips — on how to advocate or make a change. How will this “paradigm shift” happen.

    Otherwise your TED talk is underdeveloped — too thin on details.

    Did you do a mentor text analysis (and study a TEDtalk) that was one of the HWs. This is so you can learn how other TEDtalks are structured. Look at the list of MEntor TEDtalk texts I give in the Unit 3 assignment. I believe that you have switched genres so you may have skipped studying and analyzing a TEDtalk!

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