ENG 1101 EngComp SP2024 D885

active 2 months ago
ENG 1101 EngComp SP2024 D885
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Course Code
Semester / Year
Spring 2024
Course Description

Every City Tech (and CUNY) student takes English 1101 Composition I, which features reading and writing assignments that will help prepare you for college and beyond. Together we will work on communicating effectively, building an argument, adapting your writing for different needs and situations, interpreting, and responding to a text, incorporating, and citing secondary source material. We will learn basic research techniques including library use. We will be reading pieces both for their inherent literary and informational value and as models for our own writing projects. Sharing your own ideas and experiences and adding your voice to our discussions will enrich our class community.
We will also dedicate time to strengthening fundamental reading and writing skills. We will focus on enhancing vocabulary and critical reading skills, using step-by-step approaches to writing assignments, improving grammar and punctuation skills, and cultivating positive habits for college success, including note-taking and study skills.


This course was created by: L Wu

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