How Has Covid Changed Fashion Styles?
My message to my audience is I want people to feel confident and to be free spirit after reading my RAB, my goal is to not only get people to try out and experiment …
A City Tech OpenLab Course Site
How Has Covid Changed Fashion Styles?
My message to my audience is I want people to feel confident and to be free spirit after reading my RAB, my goal is to not only get people to try out and experiment …
Topic Question: How did the covid epidemic help some Americans financially?
The genres I’m considering are op-ed and podcast. In my Op-ed I will write my opinion that the lower and middle class Americans should be aware of the next …
My research question is how did the pandemic affect students’ mental health?
The genre I am considering is Open Letter. This is much easier choice because I love to express my thoughts to myself or out to my loved ones. …
RQ How Has Covid changed fashion styles?
The genre I will use is a op-ed and a interview podcast. I think this would be a fun and great video, I believe by making a op-ed about my research question fits …
What ways is China conducting espionage on the US and what can the US do about this?
The genre’s I am considering are Podcast, Video, and Open letter. For the Podcast I believe it would be good to ask open …
RQ: How did coronavirus impact education?
The genre I would choose would be an open letter. This is because it’s easy for me to write and break down all the information. Also i’ll be able to easily write the awful …
RQ: How has the corona virus exacerbated anti-Asian sentiment?
Letter, op-ed, TEDtalk, interview in podcast or video.
I am thinking about writing a letter. I would present this as an open-letter written in the college newspaper in order to reach …