Reading Response Colin Powell-Angel

“I have made clear that I was no great shakes as a scholar. I have joked
over the years that the CCNY faculty handed me a diploma, uttering a
sigh of relief, and were happy to pass me along to the military. Yet, even
this C-average student emerged from CCNY prepared to write, think, and
communicate effectively and equipped to compete against students from
colleges that I could never have dreamed of attending.”

This particular quote stood out to me because I feel it is is relatable to most students. He graduated college with decent grades and was excited with the results because he had finally finished. Colin Powell is showing that no matter where you studied, what type of student you were, or how good your grades were it didn’t mean you were less smart compared to someone who let’s say went to Yale. Not everyone is able to to attend schools like this so I feel as if Powell is making a connection to the reader/ students in college so they don’t feel left out for being in community schools.

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