Douglass and Resilience–Rafael Rodriguez

A:The question I chose is question#4

the process F.Douglass went through to learn the word of abolition was that owners didn’t want the slaves to know that they were free, he heard this word a lot of times and every time he heard this he felt like the owners were scared and/or upset about that word, he couldn’t ask because he was a slave and he feared for his life, but when he found out what the word mean he knew could be free. The Author’s mistress found his reading newspapers so threatening because he knew about abolition and how it happen, like “If a slave ran away and succeeded in getting clear, or if a slave killed his master, set fire to a barn, or did anything wrong in the mind of a slaveholder”, it was a thread that could take action, the author was scare of his life because if Douglas knew this he could start an abolition.

B: something hard during my time in school was that when I came to the United States, I didn’t knew or understood the language, and it was really hard to do school well or make any friends that could help me with my work, I was clueless of what to do to learn the language fast, I was 12 in that time, I had to use an school computer to translate things and it was really had because I didn’t had an computer of my own.

I had to learn to copy Spanish to English, I know it sounds stupid but I had to read English like I was speaking Spanish, I had to speak English how I spoke Spanish, I had to write like I was speaking too, it sounds stupid but it work I was doing good in a country I was new to, by doing this it took me a year to speak, write, read and understand English, its was hard to but I never gave up on it, in two years I could understand every thing but I still have room to improve, am still learning more and more.

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