RAB Proposal — Diogo Garcia

My research question is: How has the Coronavirus pandemic impacted and changed the Mental health of people? This topic interests me because when the pandemic hit and everyone was quarantine some people I heard have been feeling depressed or anxious and was worried if it might happen to me. When coivd-19 struck the world, There has been a general uptick in emotional distress, anxiety and depression. Doctors also seeing more patients for problems with alcohol consumption and sleep disorders, both of which help us regulate our emotions and can contribute to mood difficulties. People with preexisting vulnerabilities to mental or physical health problems are particularly at risk. Doctors says patterns of anxiety and depression seem to occur in waves much like COVID-19 itself: When the number of new coronavirus cases starts to surge, so do people’s anxiety and depression. fortunately for me Some of the things that been helping me mentally has been exercise, a positive mindset, and Anime. I used to think that Anime was stupid and a waste of my mortal existence but as I started watching more Anime I realize that I’ve already been fascinated. I knew that people were struggling during quarantine So back in 2020 I gave some suggesting to help a few people with either entertainment or their health for example Anime. The Point Is Anime is fun but remember to mixing some productive activities during the day for example exercise. “you don’t need equipment do 10 push ups right now loser” I said to friend at the time. Clean up after yourself, during these Hard Times keeping your space organized and tidy will be a big boost on your mental health. Wear a face mask if you need to go out. Learn how to cook, you should also be eating healthy too. Stop eating so much junk food. Watch parkour fails. Remind yourself how safe you are inside these guys can get Covid-19, and a broken tooth. Shaved your head who cares anymore. Watch competitive sports and get your blood pressure to rise so much that you feel pressured into working out again. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about are How COVID-19 Pandemic Has Affected the Mental Health of Teens Like what is their typical environment at home. Is it Abusive? Is their environment good for their physicals and mental health?

1 thought on “RAB Proposal — Diogo Garcia”

  1. Diogo: You must read the assignment and the instructions for this HW on announcements carefully.

    You have not followed the Proposal Template carefully. YOu have written things into this proposal that DO NOT BELONG.

    You need to revise / focus your RQ.

    Mental health of what group of people? Teens? Students? If you have a more focused RQ then your research will be easier.

    Big Problem here — You write: When coivd-19 struck the world, There has been a general uptick in emotional distress, anxiety and depression. Doctors also seeing more patients for problems with alcohol consumption and sleep disorders, both of which help us regulate our emotions and can contribute to mood difficulties. People with preexisting vulnerabilities to mental or physical health problems are particularly at risk. Doctors says patterns of anxiety and depression seem to occur in waves much like COVID-19 itself: When the number of new coronavirus cases starts to surge, so do people’s anxiety and depression.

    What is this doing in your proposal? You are NOT supposed to put research into your proposal? Let me remind you if you read the Assignment, I specifically said: Your proposal should explain a personal reasoning and connection to your RQ. Why are YOU personally interested in this RQ? Your proposal is just that a proposal, therefore it is written BEFORE you do the research! Your proposal should not have researching-sounding-speak.  

    And again — you write: Some of the things that been helping me mentally has been exercise, a positive mindset, and Anime. I used to think that Anime was stupid and a waste of my mortal existence but as I started watching more Anime I realize that I’ve already been fascinated. I knew that people were struggling during quarantine So back in 2020 I gave some suggesting to help a few people with either entertainment or their health for example Anime. The Point Is Anime is fun but remember to mixing some productive activities during the day for example exercise. “you don’t need equipment do 10 push ups right now loser” I said to friend at the time. Clean up after yourself, during these Hard Times keeping your space organized and tidy will be a big boost on your mental health. Wear a face mask if you need to go out. Learn how to cook, you should also be eating healthy too. Stop eating so much junk food. Watch parkour fails. Remind yourself how safe you are inside these guys can get Covid-19, and a broken tooth. Shaved your head who cares anymore. Watch competitive sports and get your blood press

    WHAT IS THIS STUFF? WHAT IS IT DOING IN YOUR PROPOSAL? it sounds like you just copied and pasted some thing your read!

    Where is one like to one possible source?

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