My research question is: How has the CV pandemic impacted and change the NBA? This topic interests me because basketball is my favorite sport and I watch it daily. I also watched the NBA during the pandemic so I already know much about the impact it had on the national sport. I am personally interested in this topic because basketball is a big part of my life as it is for millions of other teens and adults. I already know about the strict rules the NBA had for the players playing in the bubble. I also know about all the teams that played in the bubble. And I also know the NBA was cancelled when a player was tested positive for covid. How points that I plan to explore and find out more about is how the players felt playing the bubble? Did any players break the rules that I didn’t know about? Did the NBA lose money from sponsorships during the time did was cancelled?


6 thoughts on “RAB PROPOSAL – ABDULLAH”

  1. Abdullah:

    You wrote a good proposal paragraph. You did a great job of following the paragraph template!

    I can see your personal enthusiasm for this topic.

    OK — now the only thing I am worried about is that this topic might have nothing current to research. This was a great research project in 2020 and 2021. Yes the pandemic effected the NBA when covid started, but what about now? Are there any long term effects on the NBA now that the season games are back, fans are back, most players are vaccinated? Is everything back to normal? You need to research some aspect of NBA that has been and continues to be changed by the pandemic.

    I did a search for you: Look at this


    But I am not sure this gives some pathway for going foward on this topic.

    Can you think more on this?

    1. Ike’s comment needs to be more clear — impact on people’s lives — What aspect of people’s lives? Abdullah you should use Ike’s comment to clear up your own ideas for going forward. Is your RQ clear and focused enough? Should you be more clear what aspect of the NBA will you research? The fan base? Fan loyalty? Changes in safety protocols? The changing roster of players?

      What specific aspect of NBA will you focus on?.

  2. Here an article from Japan’s basketball world and pandemic. So maybe you read this and get ideas on fine tuning your RQ.


    How has the pandemic effected fan base / fan support / world wide fan base?

    Could this be a focus for your RQ?

    Your challenge is to make the RQ current…

    I think “How has the pandemic changed the NBA? ”

    is ok. But when you get to the ending part of the Proposal You need clear questions and good questions that address how the NBA is currently still affected by pandemic

  3. Abdullah, more thoughts: I shared with Prof. Jackie Blain and she shared some thoughts:

    I think the NBA one is pretty fascinating, even if it’s just a historical research project. If we believe, as I do, that the past is always prelude to the future, what you discover could be useful/interesting when thinking about the next wave/pandemic down the road. You might add some research if you can find it about what the NBA (conference, coaches, players) think is their takeaway from going through the pandemic. But that would only be part of it. Let’s see what you find in doing your research.

    You want to stick with BIG IMPORTANT takeaways. I would stay away from gossip-like reports on how some players got around the rules. Unless there is something significant you can extract from that.

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