Monthly Archives: October 2018

Site Report 2B due today, site visit Thursday, midterm presentations next week

Today in class we discussed developing a good research question (and viewed the Prezi) and also explored our site through google maps and street view. On Thursday, bring a printout of a map of our site to take notes on if you like.

Midterm presentations take place next Tuesday 10/23 and Thursday 10/25. In class we circulated a sign-up. Please review so you know the date of your presentation and your place in that day’s order of presentations:

Tuesday: Davit, Jean-Pierre, Renzo, Chimdiebube, Katherine, Joel, Sabrina, Ralph, Saqif, Anesha, Mirna

Thursday: Zu Qiang, Daniela, Donna, Ericka, ChuXin, Terry, Maricel, Edith, Guiseppe, James

We have another site visit on Thursday. You have a choice: meet in our classroom by 2:30 to take the subway to Barclays Center together, or get there on your own and meet at the site where we sketched the Barclays Center, in the plaza in front of the main entrance. Please be on time so we can start promptly. Dress for the weather – clear skies, temperatures in the 40s, and a strong breeze are in the forecast.

barclays center entrance

Meeting place on Thursday