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Aya Morsy Blog #2

I found this article talking about making better housing for low income families on Sept 19, 1946.  The city was proposing public housing (Farragut Houses) to solve the housing shortage. They proposed housing for 1,400 families which was great but it still had a negative side to it. The negativity was that 800 families and 200 small business had to relocate because of it. Even though the city was trying to solve the problem of housing shortage but they gave a bigger problem to the people that were already there. I am wondering if that’s the reason why Vinegar Hill downgraded. Maybe the Farragut Houses are the reasons people left. Or even the reason why Vinegar Hill isn’t developing. I understand that it helped low income families but at the same time it hurt that people that were residing and working there. I wonder if other neighborhood went through the same problems.

Armend Sela BLOG #2

I chose this picture for this blog because it clearly depicts a mass of people walking in a market district. This picture will help us fortify our hypothesis, which is that the opening of Wegmans Market will increase the amount of people entering the Navy yard form Vinegar Hill, thus strengthening the relationship. You can see people eating a type of fruit in the picture, and many people passing by. These markets are crucial for a positive development in a community. It creates a boom in the economical market, creating jobs and selling more items. As of today, residents in Vinegar Hill must walk 2 miles to be able to buy fresh produce, So an opening of this market will be convenient for the residents in Vinegar Hill and for people that live around the market.

Jarryd Blog #2


I chose this picture for my blog post because it symbolizes the hypothesis my group is researching. We plan to prove the strengthening of relationship between the Brooklyn Navy Yard and Vinegar Hill through the opening of Wegmans supermarket. This picture is more of a street vending representation rather than an actual indoor supermarket like Wegmans but the atmosphere is what i would like to believe to be the same. There is a physical lack of an affordable produce supermarket in Vinegar Hill and adjacent areas near it. Residents have to travel great lengths to acquire such foods. The newly developed supermarket as well as other developing buildings should bring about a positive change.

Blog # 2 – Mark Yakub

This image is a vendor market where the vendor either sell their products or where they distribute their product. The reason I chose this image is because my groups hypothesis is about the development of a Wegmans Supermarket in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The neighborhood of Vinegar Hill and the area surrounding the Navy Yard has no supermarket so the residents have to travel long distances to get groceries. The development of this supermarket will open a gate to a new relationship between the Vinegar Hill and the Navy Yard. This will strengthen the relationship between the two isolated areas.

Javier A Zavaleta – Blog 2

Section in the Designation Report that talks about industrial and residential growth in the area of Vinegar Hill. The reason I choose this was because it’s related to the hypothesis of my focus. What my focus was reading is how can Vinegar Hill repeat and emulate that grow to a much larger scale today in 2017. I see that back then there was a beginning of iron company which was one of the first, it included spice, coffee works, metal stamping , engine works, pain and varnish manufacturing. So from this I concluded that back at the time it seemed like the focus was to grow this area with some new cutting edge factories, which not only brought business and customers but it brought new jobs. From this I concluded that there a lot things that just haven’t been done in vinegar hill in order to justify it’s growth. It’s up to many in that area to see this report and try emulate success if they want this area of Brooklyn to strive again.

Blog 2 Stacey Battice

The key to this proposal clearly shows that having Vinegar Hill designated as a Historic District is in the interest of others and not the residents.  This was back in 1996 and to date in the 20th century no decision has been made with regards to this proposed idea.  Imagine it took persons from congress, members from the planning and zoning committee of Brooklyn Community and the Landmarks Preservation Commission to engaged in a public hearings and residents continue to opposed to this designation.  I feel that the residents of Vinegar Hill do not want the interference of any outsiders and wants Vinegar Hill to remain the quiet town of Brooklyn.  However, I truly believe that it is important to maintain and preserve Vinegar Hill, thus encouraging new developments just like DUMBO and SOHO in Manhattan who shared same similarities.