Aya Morsy Blog #2

I found this article talking about making better housing for low income families on Sept 19, 1946.  The city was proposing public housing (Farragut Houses) to solve the housing shortage. They proposed housing for 1,400 families which was great but it still had a negative side to it. The negativity was that 800 families and 200 small business had to relocate because of it. Even though the city was trying to solve the problem of housing shortage but they gave a bigger problem to the people that were already there. I am wondering if that’s the reason why Vinegar Hill downgraded. Maybe the Farragut Houses are the reasons people left. Or even the reason why Vinegar Hill isn’t developing. I understand that it helped low income families but at the same time it hurt that people that were residing and working there. I wonder if other neighborhood went through the same problems.

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