Blog2- Media in the Digital Age, Pavlik

The discovery of the daguerreotype has started the media revolution and is still growing in today’s digital age. Newspapers use images to enrich their stories, radios use the invention of wireless to talk their stories and this led to telelvison, which uses both moving images and sound to tell stories. Media had its own place in society where many media organizations and companies sponsored research to make discoveries in new media technologies.

Until recently, Pavlik mentions Professor Picard’s note that in 2006 no single major organization was a sponsor of the pioneering MIT Media Lab. Instead, the internet giant Google and international media sources are continuing the media lab research. This decrease of media sponsors may be do to the invention of the internet. Since people can post their own findings and find stories on the internet, traditional media reports are decreasing and the digital age, which mainly involves the internet, is taking over. People and journalists can use their electronic devices to take pictures, share stories, and post online for the world to see within minutes. The internet has also made it possible to find places using GPS and with all these inventions/technologies media organizatons can explore new means of broadcasting news. Pavlik already has an idea he calls the virtial newrooms.

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