Advanced Searching

I’ve really liked using Google Scholar to search for articles. I never knew about it before and I’ve have been finding some good journal articles that are relevant to my subject. At first I was getting a lot of information that wasn’t so good and some that was okay. But using more narrow search terms and boolean searching led me to find some better information as opposed to using broad keywords. Like Badke mentions in Chapter 5 you have to narrow down your topic when searching so you get more of the information you want and not be drowned in information that is of no value to your research. I haven’t tried searching the catalogs yet but after reading Badke’s explanation and suggestions I feel more confident to use them in the future.

Research Journal 2

I read chapter 5 of Badke, yeah the whole thing because the online version doesn’t list the pages. Guess i need to talk to you about that Prof Leonard.  I found the reading to be quite insightful in that it listed a bunch of places where i can get scholarly articles from. With renewed enthusiasm i ventured into what seemed like a world of scholarly journals. I was yet again met with disappointment. The sites listed aren’t free, they require a subscription. Yes Badke mentioned something to that effect, however, i presumed a lot of the examples he gave would be on a free website. I was wrong. Google scholar doesn’t give me anything either. I’ve tried the truncation with my keywords in regular google search and it doesn’t work for me. I have better luck with Quintura than anything else. So i’m kinda found wanting when it comes to scholarly searches, yes even after a Badke reading.

Advanced Research Strategies

Well I tried using Google Scholar and it did give me some good info about my research topic. Google Scholar is a good resource to find information on certain topics because it does give you good articles that we can use. Some articles can be reliable and some can just give you too much information that you don’t really need. So like in Badke’s readings we just have to narrow down the topic and it will for sure give good information in any resource site we look at. I have found several articles that I can use for my research and it gives me the info I need. I found similar articles that I had already research on other databases. This tells us that no matter what resource or search engine we use we will find similar articles in any of those engines being used.

Notes from today, and reading & blogging for Monday, October 31

Today we discussed advanced internet searching and tried out some of the techniques and strategies from class discussion and from Badke, chapter 6. Don’t forget to set up your google scholar preferences on computers you use off-campus so that you can connect to City Tech library resources through the Find It! button.

On Monday we’ll discuss library catalogs and how to search (and find!) books and other media in them. Please read Badke chapter 5 pp. 71-76 and review the Library of Congress Classification Outline. Your second research journal  blog post is also due on Monday; prompt is below:

In class today you tried out advanced search strategies and scholarly internet resources from the Badke reading to search for sources on your research topic.
Describe 1 advanced strategy or scholarly resource you used.
Did you find different information sources than you found doing a regular internet search (just using Google, Yahoo, etc.), and if so, how are they different?
Did you encounter any difficulties that you haven’t encountered in a regular internet search?

Slides for today are available here.

~Prof. L

Research Proposal

I’ve encountered a few difficulties while trying to come up with my research proposal. The first difficulty was trying to focus on something relevant and to try to elaborate the topic clear enough. As the topic which I’ve chosen is like there are so many things to talk about it was hard to stay on track. I did not use any specific strategies. I just did some research on my topic to see if I would be able to write about 5-8 pages on it. One question I have is how many many idea or points should we have and how much to write on each?

Notes from today, and assignment for Wednesday October 26

On Wednesday we’ll discuss advanced internet searching. Please read
Reading: Badke Ch. 6 (all) and Ch. 7 pp. 122-124 and watch the Common Craft video on web search strategies.

Your research paper topic proposal is due on Wednesday at the beginning of class. I’ll accept either a word document attached to an email or a printed copy.  Please refer to the guidelines (also distributed in class), and do not hesitate to get in touch by email if you have any questions about the assignment.

Slides from today are available here.
~Prof. Leonard

Topic proposal

As I began brain storming on what I wanted to do for my research topic, I have chosen to pick a topic that I would be interested in doing research and learning from. We are told from elementary school, when were introduced to American History, we have the right to “freedom of speech” and expression. However, there are limitations to the “freedom” we allegedly possess. I also want to incorporate how people use subliminal messages in their movies, videos, images, and text, to get a point across that would not be able to directly. For example, over the weekend I was watching a few videos on YouTube about some subliminal messages in a few Disney shows and movies. Disney Subliminal Messages.

Research Topic Proposal

Honestly it was very difficult to come up with a research topic propoasal. There were many options but I didnt want to be the person who just picked a topic and ended up being completely uninterested and wanting to change it mid research.(this has happened to me numerous times before). And after reading Badke it is clear that the individual’s interest in the topic is a large structural proportion of the success of the actual assignment and final product. After all of the readings, and videos assigned I noticed the works that caught and kept my attention most were the informative pieces on copyright. I also am an artist looking forward to entering the music industry so it would only be right to brush up on my copyright information laws and loopholes. In turn, the topic I chose was copyright plagarism. Hopefully it isnt too broad and if it is, it’s easy to chisel down into a more narrow and direct idea.


Appendix-bursting with information

I was enlightened by the Badke appedix reading ( i use enlightened because i’m not supposed to enjoy the Badke readings, neither am i supposed to be entertained by them, i think they’re supposed to engage my attention though, and whatever else begins with en) It showed me what a true research paper ought to look like. What the guidelines were for posing an appropriate question and they type of mindset to have before embark on that lovely journey of researching for a paper. It also shows the importance of  having an outline. Similar to what we did in class for with the bubblr website.

Assignment 10 – Research topic proposal

Looking for a research topic is a challenging job and narrowing it down is more challenging than searching itself. I was fascinated by the topic on search engines and how they work just because I want to know more about them. My knowledge is very limited about this topic. It is a broad topic and I am trying to narrow it down but it is getting tougher for me. Finding information about it is very easy thing but it is hard for me to decide which information I need to keep and which one to discard. It is mixed feeling. Also, it’s hard to talk about the authenticity of the information. For this, I am trying my hands on different sites for the same information; not to mention that it is too much of reading and extra work. My main concern is, “How can I narrow it down..?” so that I can focus more precisely on it.