Research Journal 3

When I first used Cuny+, I had some difficulty using it because it wasn’t working well.   After a while I was able to find some information on my topic that I believe would be great from my research paper.  While I was searching, I managed to find a book that the City Tech library has, which is great for me.  =)  After looking through other search results, I found plenty other articles and searches that would be great for my paper.  The phrases and key words I used helped me find information really easy because of my topic.  I used the key words ‘digital media’ and ‘text media’ which is basically what my research topic is going to be about.  The difference was the speed especially, but other than that, the two sources were different because they had different information on my topic.  The similarities were that they helped answer my research question which is perfect for me.

Rsearch journal blog post

I did a search for my research topic using the CUNY +, I just searched for social media and I got about 3800 records. That’s a lot. Most of the Electronic Resource were not from City Tech, they were from CUNY. But the problem with the CUNY + is that most of the books are not very specific, they are more focused on the society and stuffs like that. I guess that’s because Social Media is a new thing. I ended up with more information when I used an internet search engined. It was clearer and the articles I found was much more interesting and helpful. One more issue with the books is that it’s way too long, it would be a waste of time to read the whole thing. I prefer internet searches better than the Library resource.

Research Blog 3

I been doing some research on my topic and I have found some interesting articles about it. I had checked the CUNY+ catalog before and I even got a book about plagiarism, but it wasn’t what I expected because the book was about a case that had happened a long time ago and somewhat didn’t deal with my topic. So I was checking once again and found several books about plagiarism, but I didn’t know which books to chose based on my topic. Some words I used were: “plagiarism”, “plagiarism tools”, “plagiarism in higher education”, etc. It did show me some results, but most books and electronic resources where located at different college libraries. I even checked the own website of plagiarism which is This site informs about plagiarism and its backgrounds. Also for those who dont know what plagiarism is and what the consequences can be.

Words of Wisdom from William Badke

I am a regular reader of ILI-L, an email list for librarians interested in information literacy and library instruction, and just came across our textbook author Bill Badke’s recent post offering advice to college faculty on teaching students how to research:

The Top 10 Things we All Should Know about Today’s Research Environment.

1.       Sources of information are changing
2.       Search in today’s databases is complex
3.       Students don’t understand the research process
4.       Students don’t know they don’t understand the research process
5.       Faculty are increasingly baffled by research technology, and that can be corrected
6.       Librarians hold the key to the information kingdom
7.       You need librarians, and so do your students
8.       Today’s academic databases offer so much more than keyword searching
9.       Electronic full text is winning the day
10.   Wikipedia is not Public Enemy Number One

Badke, William B. (2011, October 31). RE: faculty instruction. [Msg 9]. Message posted to

Any comments? You know what to do.
~Prof. L.

Notes from today, and reading & blogging homework for Wednesday, November 2

Today we discussed library catalogs, struggled to use CUNY+ and had a bit more success with WorldCat. I hear that the CUNY+ technical difficulties are well on their way to resolution, so try searching from home and report your success in the comments below.
On Wednesday, we’ll continue our discussion on searching (and finding) sources for the annotated bibliography and research paper, moving into a discussion on using library databases to find articles. For Wednesday, please read Badke Ch. 5 (pp. 76-95) and write one research journal blog post. Below is the prompt for the research journal blog post for Wednesday:

Do a search on your research topic in at least one internet search engine and one library resource, like the CUNY+ catalog.
What words or phrases did you use to search?
What are the similarities and differences between the results of your two searches?

Don’t forget that next week you have two written assignments due: the annotated bibliography on Monday 11/7 and the research paper outline on Wednesday 11/9.

Slides for today are available here.

~Prof. Leonard

Research for Topic of choice

I continued using scholar Google for my research and found
information that was related to my topic. Scholar Google gave me information
from newspaper article, journals, and books. I also forced domains by using I found by forcing the domains I was able to get much more reliable information. I also used the online database to find journals and I am having a difficult time finding exactly what I want; I have used some of the suggestions Badke mentions in Chapter 5, Keywords but not too many, using ANDs and OR’s.  I found that by using Scholar Google, somethingI wasn’t to familiar with using, the information was much easier than trying to Google the information and reading link by link to find what something reliable. Furthermore, I have incorporated ANDs and OR’s in all of my research
not only in this class, its making my research experience exceptionally pleasant.

Advance Search

Advance searching comes in when we are getting lost in a poll of information. We know that regular search methods are not the best way to dig up relevant information. Badke has being able to advance my knowledge to search. He ask that one must be able to identify a broader topic which his/her topic maybe part of. Further that, he encouraged using the Boolean search mechanism. Most free popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing use keyword in search for information but college libraries will have a more sophisticated engine that may look for keywords and topic headings at the same time. We will definitely face some crisis in the future as most people turn to popularity rather than relevance. Searching using Google Schoolar is the best free engine I have used publicly t find resource-able information on the internet which can contribute to my paper.

Advanced Search

The more and more I get deeper into this project the more I realize exactly how much time and effort will needed to be put in to get the results I want. I have been using Google scholar, and getting information, but I am not finding the specific type of articles that I am looking for. I also would like to know how you found certain information in video form, because I believe that would also be helpful as well. I am going to use the video we had to watch about copyright as a source in my essay, because just watching that video prompted me to choose this topic. Otherwise I can see I will probably need a little more help than I originally expected but I guarantee my end result will be well rounded and deeply researched. I would not only like to explicate the knowledge i have found but also learn it for myself as Badke mentioned.

-Tarik Clarke

Assignment 11 – Advanced Reasearch

I use Google for all my day to day searches but I am unable to find relevant information about my topic on it. So, I tried Yahoo search engine and found that the results are almost similar, whether you try Google search or Yahoo search. Then, I switched to the advanced searching mode and tried to search information. It was somewhat helpful. Google scholars worked a little better than normal search and so as Quintura. The information I found on them was too much scattered and I am going through the articles to decide which one will fulfill my purpose and which one won’t. So far, I am out of luck but the battle is still on. I haven’t tried searching our college’s library database yet. Also, I am trying to use specific keywords related to my topic to search for information, which is helpful to some extent.

Research Journal 2

Google scholar is a great way to find information on my topic.  It is way better than google and yahoo because those two search engines don’t give me good scholarly sources than google scholar.  Google scholar is like the search engine for more precise information on topics that people really want to research.  Normal Google sometimes gives you searches that have no relativity to your topic.  While google scholar gives you more precise and factual information.  The difficulties from a regular search engine and google scholar are different.  In google scholar, there are articles that may seem to be good for you research topic, but you can get fooled by their topic.  For example, if I see a link that I think would be good, but it then turns out to be not what I wanted or a book that you can’t read online for free.  I think that is what is different in the search engines.