Tag Archives: information

Facebook’s TrainWreck.(a mixed bag)

Let me first express how……predictable this article was.Midway through I guessed the author would deviate from his examples and give a “no one knows what the future holds” speech.I was surprised however when she mentioned AT&T’s “Cobot”, (a robot that … Continue reading

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So you use Wiki huh?

Wikipedia. What comes to your mind as soon as you hear that word? A wonderful place to find out all the information you need on any topic you must know of. Better yet, a place where you can add your … Continue reading

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Wikipedia and Social Networking

Let’s face it: we’ve all gone to Wikipedia to search for a subject of interest at some point in our lives. It’s easy to access from any computer with an Internet connection and people who are knowledgeable in certain topics … Continue reading

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charms of wikipedia

The charms about wikipedia, it is like the batman and riddler dual. In many cases the  batman is going to fall asleep, get tired, or give up entirely. Until the journey is saved by precise planning and strategic editing the … Continue reading

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Pavlik, Media In The Digital Age

Pavlik’s “Media In The Digital Age” talks about how much freedom everyone is getting through the invention and the usage of the “World Wide Web” or the Internet. Virtually anyone can be what and who they want to be over … Continue reading

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The World Wide Web: Facts or Opinions.

Well would you look at that. Something that sides with my thoughts of the internet today and how it has become a huge source of manipulation. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the internet but as far as research … Continue reading

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The world web of information. The one armed bandit.

We see that there are many ways of showing information. The history of technology to bring the news and information has literally exploded onto us. From the invention of the first pictures to accompany print in newspapers around 1853 to … Continue reading

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True or False Information?

Information have been discussed, distributed, and discovered through many different ways either it has been from reading a page or spoken about from one person to another. And now, with the technology of the internet, we are able to gaze … Continue reading

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Integrity of Information

Information. In this day and age, the Internet makes it possible for anyone to access it from any computer anywhere in the world. Along with that ability to access information comes the potentiality to add and/or edit to that pool … Continue reading

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