Pavlik, Media In The Digital Age

Pavlik’s “Media In The Digital Age” talks about how much freedom everyone is getting through the invention and the usage of the “World Wide Web” or the Internet. Virtually anyone can be what and who they want to be over the internet and this is a huge part of the freedom in Pavlik’s writing. The internet in a nutshell is the world’s biggest user-based virtual community, given the fact that everyone can upload their own information, may it be videos, music, or just interests through sites such as Wikipedia or social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. But there will also be “downsides” to this type of system only because just about anyone can be or pretend to be someone they are not or even steal someone’s identity entirely for evil conducts and misuse. But regardless of the downsides of too much freedom the internet is still moderated to the degree that these downsides are kept to a minimal state so as to not affect lives of normal people like you and me.

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