Category Archives: Uncategorized

“participatory Web”

It is interesting to see how the web has evolved and continues to do so into this web 2.0 concept. I agree that an interactive web is the next generation compared to web 1.0 where you were only able to … Continue reading

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The scoop on social media

Is it just me , or has it occured to you that our existence is being constantly monitered an measured so covertly that we are non the wiser? We are constantly bombarded by terms like “most popular, most read, most … Continue reading

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Politics of Research

We are living in the age of free and vast knowledge and information that is readily accessible through the use of the internet. From my understanding, Brian Martin talks about how these sources came to be and how they are … Continue reading

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Social Everything

It is not a secret that, for most people, the internet plays a big part in our everyday lives.  What some people might not realize, and what I did not realize until watching these videos, is that a lot of what … Continue reading

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Warp Speed Scotty!

The web may not be the final frontier but it’s certainly our frontier. None of us will probably never step foot on another planet, devise a new way to split the atom or, discover the first dilithium crystal but we … Continue reading

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Social Media Surrounds US

Common Craft’s “Social Media in plain English” video gave me a different point of view. I’ve never thought of “online reviews and ratings” as a type of social media but I suppose it is. In New York City there’s definitely … Continue reading

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The charms of wikipedia

Wikipedia has been around for many years and it has been used immensely. This source gives us access to basically any information your looking for. But is it really a charm? How can we be so sure that the information … Continue reading

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Wikipedia and Social Networking

Let’s face it: we’ve all gone to Wikipedia to search for a subject of interest at some point in our lives. It’s easy to access from any computer with an Internet connection and people who are knowledgeable in certain topics … Continue reading

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The Charms of Wiki and Social Networking

I found that text on the use of wiki to be quite charming. It is great that one could use wiki with such ease, and not have to worry about the constant web links to sources that Google brings. Also, … Continue reading

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charms of wikipedia

The charms about wikipedia, it is like the batman and riddler dual. In many cases the  batman is going to fall asleep, get tired, or give up entirely. Until the journey is saved by precise planning and strategic editing the … Continue reading

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