Author Archives: matty65

The One

Any conversation that involves the future of information must discuss the future of the Internet for information in itself is nothing. It is the sharing of information or the lack there of which gives information its power. Information has been … Continue reading

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Steve Urkel Revisited

I found this tutorial to be quite entertaining although it was superficial at best. The video did explain well how to transform your appearance so that you could look more Nerd-like for example; hiking up the pants, the addition of … Continue reading

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In the Know

Over all i’d say a learned some valuable tools in the past few weeks. This sort of surprised me, not because I thought I knew everything but, because I found out how much I didn’t know. So here’s a brief … Continue reading

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Google Before You Leap!!

I found a few differences between search engines (Google & Yahoo) and library data bases (CUNY & NY Public Library). First off, the library data bases returned far less results then the search engines did. At this stage in our … Continue reading

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The Quest For Knowledge

Finally we have reached the point where we get to put all of Badke’s research tips to the test. Badke makes it look simple… not! While attempting to find viable sources for my research question, “What makes cyber bullying so … Continue reading

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Developing a good question

I decided that I would write my research paper on cyber bullying. It’s a topic which, besides the recent headlines, ” Rutgers student…committed suicide after sex video went viral”, I knew very little about but it does encompass digital media and … Continue reading

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Something Old Something New

As I was reading chapter two of Badke, I realized a very frighting thing. Some of the information that Badke was conveying was new to me. I’ve written more then a few research papers both in high school and in … Continue reading

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How the Net was won

Badke does a great job of deciphering search engines and how they work. This chapter of the text is full of very useful information. I actually read it twice. I knew that with your typical search engine, such as Google, … Continue reading

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The Better Mouse Trap?

As far as I can tell Google is probably the most widely used search engine. It seems that Google uses a combination of both keyword and controlled vocabulary to find references to your search. Based on the keywords that you … Continue reading

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Forever is never enough

The information concerning copy right and fair use was quite interesting. I particularly enjoyed ” A Fair(y) Use Tale”. It was bait annoying at first but, after I caught on I realized how clever it was. I must admit, I … Continue reading

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