Monthly Archives: March 2012

Our Favorite research Tool: Search Engines

Especially within the past few years search engines have become more popular than ever.  Take Google and Bing for instance.  With data taken from Andrew Leibman’s article “How Search Engines Work,” We learn of the many different kinds of computer searching tools.  … Continue reading

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I remember searching by using certain keywords and  becoming overwhelmed by the results . I was now more confused than before .  My perception of my search topic was now tarnished with a million other irrelevant suggestions. In my ignorance … Continue reading

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Keywords and Databases

Reading Chapter 3 of Research Strategies was a refreshing break from the much more technical readings – while it’s nice to know the nitty-gritty of how search engines like Google and Bing work, the information from the two links was just … Continue reading

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Database Searching with Keywords and Hierarchies

Ever since I learned to punch keys on a computer, I always wondered how things were created to be read electronically. Taking programming class really gave me a better view on the binary language. In Chapter 3 of Badke’s novel, … Continue reading

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how a search engine works

We all know that search engines have crazy algorithms for figuring out how to produce desired results when individuals search the web, but can we confidently say that we are getting the best results? The article makes it seem that … Continue reading

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Search Engines

It seems as if these search engines determines what our search results look like, considering that if someone were to search for networking sites, their result would be based upon sites frequently visited such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.  And in … Continue reading

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How the Net was won

Badke does a great job of deciphering search engines and how they work. This chapter of the text is full of very useful information. I actually read it twice. I knew that with your typical search engine, such as Google, … Continue reading

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In chapter 3 “Database searching with keywords and hierarchies” Badke helps to inform on how to carry out a more precise and accurate search using keywords. His analogy of the “keyword” to “friends you trust only to a certain point” … Continue reading

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Behind the Scenes: Search Engines

After reading Andrew Leibman’s article, How Search Engines Work, it’s interesting to see how much goes on for a search engine to work efficiently for it’s users. From the software to the manpower, there’s actually quite a lot that goes … Continue reading

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Badke Chapter 3:Database Searching With Keywords and Hierarchies

As Badke stated in his reading “A database is any collection of data that can be retrieved using organized search procedures.” I like what i was reading in this chapter because i always use Google to search for information that … Continue reading

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