Badke Chapter 3:Database Searching With Keywords and Hierarchies

As Badke stated in his reading “A database is any collection of data that can be retrieved using organized search procedures.” I like what i was reading in this chapter because i always use Google to search for information that i want to read or is interested in learning more about, as Badke had said also in his chapter when you search for something in Google it gives you a list full of links that you are looking for and you may not even know which one to click on. And that is true because when i search for something in Google and i think it’s related to what i am looking for it’s actually not. In my opinion database as we all know is being used all around the United States, even when we search for things on our computers, laptops, cell phones, Ipods etc, we are still looking for data for our own information on what we would like to look up and know more about. I didn’t even know that Keywords can be useful but not be helpful at the same time until Badke broke it down and explained it more in depth on what it actually does. Regardless on what we do database will always be with us, but we just have to understand the concept of it and use it in the right way when it comes towards searching for things on the internet, our cell phones, and more.

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