I remember searching by using certain keywords and  becoming overwhelmed by the results . I was now more confused than before .  My perception of my search topic was now tarnished with a million other irrelevant suggestions. In my ignorance I never made the connection between Databases and search engines . Thank you Mr Badke for enlightening me on the hierarchy of my searches and the importance of the keywords. Arming me with the knowledge of the formulas to unlocking Keywords and refining the search. Are we searching the Internet here, or are we playing a spy game? Because of the magnitude of information, and data on the WWW. we are forced to come up with formulas and techniques to refine our results . Less is more and eliminating the known “garbage in garbage out” is our friend indeed . Keywords have been known to do irreparable  harm through irrelevance,  in a way contributing to many man hours being wasted. Thanks to the Boolean standards of searches the ” or, and, not,” we can find relief in a more trustworthy search result. No thanks to Google and Yahoo here , they operate in the realm of flat keywords pulling results without the order of their hierarchies. In a nutshell ,”A whole new can of worms”. More specialty search tools have sprung up to overcome this, Carrot2, Quintura and Google wonder wheel to name a few clustering tools as they have been so aptly named. Of course this industry keeps coming up with alternative solutions to this refining issue , ultimately it will always need your input and witt to navigate into the right result at the right time….

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  1. Account Deleted says:

    I have had the same bad experiences on the web when searching for information and have become frustrated to that too! Who would have ever imagined that searching for information would turn out to be a spy game like you mentioned? Like you, I was unaware of the many errors we committed when searching through the databases. Badke, revealed to me how we can become better database searchers and become aware of our virtual surroundings. Search engines are there to guide us onto the right direction, but will only reveal what you want it to, so this means that we have to become wiser users in order to retrieve the correct information.

  2. matty65 says:

    And, or, not, turnacated? Sounds like a hole lot of nonsense but the proof is in the search results. I’ve been playing around with with these toys the past few days and it really is amazing how much you can focus your results by combining or excluding keywords. although I have to say that some search engines seem to react better to the focused searches than others Yahoo being the most responsive.

  3. mbottaro says:

    I agree with you 100% it is sometimes incredibly hard to get the perfect search for something. It could even take me about an hour to look for one thing before I get frustrated and give up. However, I am also happy that Badke gave us the key to finding our searches better. Also there were times where I would type a whole sentence into the search bar and get millions of results that I didn’t need when all I needed to do was break it down to three or four simple keywords.

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