Monthly Archives: October 2015

Wrap-up of Monday, and links to digitized archival research resources

Today we talked about Wikipedia and your blog posts responding to the assigned readings. If you did not write a blog post for today, you can still get partial credit if you post it by 10 a.m. Wednesday. See the the readings and prompt for blogging, or ask if you have questions. Don’t forget to create your Wikipedia account and send me your username by email or OpenLab message. I’ll then add you to the course site and give you the code to gain access.

We covered several resources for locating digitized primary sources: photographs, maps, manuscripts, letters, transcripts of government agency hearings, and more. Some are available through the City Tech library databases; many more are free and open for anyone to find.

Library resources (access by authenticating with the library barcode from your City Tech ID)

Public resources (free and open; search from anywhere, no login required)

Have you found others? Let us all know by leaving a comment!

~Prof. Leonard


I think Wikipedia is a good way to start for general information concerning a topic. As a student I was not aware that Wikipedia was run by regular people like us. It now clear to me how it work and I find it interesting on how it works. The Wikipedia can be used for a number of things. It’s a great way to see what is actually happening or has happened. I just wonder what is thw future for all of this?  Will this become the wave link to research? I’m really not sure what to think about it’s longevitie. However I think is good for general information and even some of its sources. This is something that will be around for some time.


I believe despite Wikipedia’s chaotic model, Wikipedia will stand the test of time and will be used in the future. With the growing increase in internet and phone development, people will turn to the internet for information. Wikipedia is a useful site to search for quick information that were submitted by people all over the world. That is what makes Wikipedia unique, it is the people that generates and shares the information through via link and other sources. I think this is a more efficient method to gather information on a subject rather than search individual sites and other sources where in Wikipedia the majority of related sources and data are listed for the user. This may be Wikipedia’s strengths and weakness, though efficient in gathering information; the site is only as large as the number of people using Wikipedia and number of editors contributing to the site. If Wikipedia can gain more users and editors to submit accurate data more, I believe Wikipedia will thrive in the future. If people also were to see Wikipedia as a more credible source, the definable more people will use the site as a search engine similar to google.

The Future of Wikipedia

Wikipedia’s “completely chaotic model” of content development may be both the website’s greatest strength and its greatest weakness. The crowdsourcing method of information gathering—like “citizen journalism”[1]—relies on ordinary “non-expert” people sharing their knowledge. It’s wildly democratic, but also wildly uncontrolled. As Virginia Postrel writes in “Who Killed Wikipedia?,” Wikipedia’s “very existence is something of a miracle.” With millions of entries, in hundreds of languages, edited by thousands of volunteers—the exact numbers vary depending on which source one selects—Wikipedia is the most popular source of information in the world. But what happens if the volunteers lose interest? Can Wikipedia, as Andrew Lih asks, survive?

In my opinion, the answer is yes: the amount of information already available on the site is enormous and invaluable. It might not expand as rapidly in the future as it has in the past—many topics are already thoroughly explored and the articles can stand as written—but the reports of its death are exaggerated. In a sense, it may be not too big, but too open to fail. Someone, many someones, will step in to save it.

That said, I do think Wikipedia is going to have to make some changes in its structure and processes. Here are just a few:

  • The organizational culture is rigid and insular. As Postrel argues, it’s “a culture that worked brilliantly until it devolved from dynamism to sclerosis.”
  • Smartphones, as Lih points out, have been overtaking laptop and desktop computers, and Wikipedia is hard to edit on phone screens. Better editing software and mobile phone hardware will have to be developed.[2]
  • The coverage is skewed, reflecting the interests and obsessions of the editors: “its entries on Pokemon and female porn stars are comprehensive, but its pages on female novelists or places in sub-Saharan Africa are sketchy.”[3]
  • It’s too easy for editors to slip in misinformation and even hoaxes,[4] including the famous charge that journalist John Siegenthaler had been a suspect in the assassinations of both President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy.[5]
  • Wikipedia is demonstrably sexist. As The New York Times noted in 2011, fewer than 15 percent of the site’s hundreds of thousands of contributors are women.[6] And as the novelist Amanda Filipacchi noted in 2013, also in the Times, Wikipedia editors had been moving American women writers out of the category “American Novelists” and into a new subcategory, “American Women Novelists,”[7] making “American Novelists” all male.
  • The editors sometimes operate like a gang, retaliating against perceived “enemies.” As soon as Filipacchi published her complaint, editors—in a process the online magazine Salon called “revenge editing”[8]—pounced on the page about her, erasing much of the content and most of the links.

None of this means that Wikipedia is dying: I—and millions of other people worldwide—love the site, at least as a starting point for research. But it may mean that its “completely chaotic model” needs to become not quite completely chaotic. As NPR argued in 2012, “what Wikipedia really needs today is more administrators—discerning editors to keep the collaborative encyclopedia that anyone can edit a reliable source without errors.”[9] We need both the many cacophonous voices of citizen journalism and the professional editors of The New York Times.

Wikipedia is an unruly teenager today. It’s alive and well—but it may have to grow up.


[1] See Jay Rosen, PressThink, “A Most Useful Definition of Citizen Journalism,” 14 July 2008;

[2] Sarah Silbert, “You Can Now Edit Articles, View Random Pages on the Android Wikipedia App,” engadget, 25 June 2014;

[3] Tom Simonite, “The Decline of Wikipedia,” MIT Technology Review, 22 October 2013;

[4] Jon Brodkin, “The 10 Biggest Hoaxes in Wikipedia’s First 10 Years,” Network World, 14 January 2011;

[5]Katharine Q. Seelye, “Snared in the Web of a Wikipedia Liar,” The New York Times, 4 December 2005;

[6] Noam Cohen, “Define Gender Gap? Look Up Wikipedia’s Contributor List,” The New York Times, 30 January 2011;

[7] Amanda Filipacchi, “Wikipedia’s Sexism Toward Female Novelists,” The New York Times, 24 April 2013;

[8] Andrew Leonard, “Wikipedia’s Shame,” Salon, 29 April 2013;

[9] Hansi Lo Wang, “As Wikipedia Gets Pickier, Editors Become Harder to Find,” all tech considered, NPR, 19 July 2012;


Daiane Bushey | Blog Post on the Future of Wikipedia

I believe – and I hope – that Wikipedia will continue to exist in the future. Maybe its “completely chaotic model” will need some changes and improvements. However, I think the main concept of Wikipedia, that is, a free, neutral, digitalized and crowdsourced encyclopedia, should be sustained in the future. Internal organizational tensions, conflicts between longtime editors and new users, as well as technological issues (such as the difficult of composing or editing Wikipedia articles through smartphone) are problems that does not seem to be completely inherent to Wikipedia’s model but rather problems that were developed and can be solved through time, as Wikipedia grows and evolves.