Tag Archives: zines

Alternative Press/Media

The reading  “Critical Thinking, Deviant Knowledge, and the Alternative Press” by Thomas Eland talks about how we are at the mercy of major corporations and do not realize it. This may be caused by the mass media which is such a significant force in the shaping of our way of life, resulting in the negative aspects being filtered out. Some of these multinational corporations also control various aspects of mass media and profit, all in the the name of capitalism. A good example of this was mentioned in “Research Strategies” by William Badke where the average person that searches for something on Google, usually just chooses the information from the first results page. What this does, is limit our ability to do real research.


In the article “The History and Characteristics of Zines” by Fred Wright we take a step back and see that not everything has to be tainted by commercialism. Zine works produced are non commercial publications containing a wide variety of subjects but not limited to music, comics, fantasy/science-fiction. In the years of its early beginnings zines were more of a community of fandom related to a fixed set of interests. But it has since then evolved. The growing popularity of this form of  print media can be attributed to it’s similarity social network for groups/interests on a website, but a more analog version. More importantly zines are not subject to censorship from gatekeepers like traditional media as it is self published work.

Critical Thinking/Zines

In the first passage I read written by Thomas Eland, he really spoke about how most of the media shown by major corporations has pretty much biased or distracting information making the public that watches their television shows, films and reads their books blind from other kinds of topics that mostly have to do with humanity and the economy. Thomas further elaborates on this by stating that most of what is shown to the public by these corporations is to make money or to gain some sort of profit from it. He makes many valid points and I cant help but agree with most of it  considering news stations like “FOX” show favoritism to republican parties. This isn’t the only news station thats a bit corrupt, other news stations only show dramatic events that will get them more viewers, higher rating  or pull in a certain crowd that they lacking. It is true that the media is the strongest weapon of all because of its ability to control the masses.

With all these media forms throwing biased ideas or profitable garbage at the public I am not surprised something line “Zines” came about. While reading the passage about zines,its history and viewing its definition, I am convinced that this is a very Interesting way to show unfiltered information to the public. I liked the fact that If you post something that actually wont be tolerated by another site rules and regulations, it would actually stay there. Also the because nobody is gaining any profit from their Zines it makes it a more honest and trustworthy source of information although information could still be biased. In the very near future i see myself becoming a “zine-ster”.

Corporations in the press.

The Thomas Eland and Fred Wright article both echo one of my beliefs which is there should be a separation between the press and business.  I have always believed that the press should be for the people instead of puppets being manipulated by large corporations.  I have no problem with the press being for profit, but I do have a problem when they are cancelled because of low ratings or poor circulation.   The news should exist outside of the control of gatekeepers and thus shouldn’t be judged on the criteria of ratings or circulation.

According to the Eland article alternative press does not believe that news can be told from a neutral “objective” perspective, which I disagree with.  Mainly because if the news is not neutrally objective then it can affect how it is reported – for an example I give you Fox News.  Another thing about alternative media and zines is that they are the trees falling in the forest with no one being around to hear them.  Alternative press and zines are so obscure that were it not for these two articles I never would have even known that they existed.

Notes from today (2/9), and reading & blogging assignments for Wednesday 2/11

Today we discussed the pros and cons of a wide range of analog and digital non-text media. we ran out of time before I could show the trailer to the film Side by Side, so watch it on your own if you wish:

A 2012 New York Times article “Film is Dead?” nicely describes how analog film works, and offers a variety of perspectives on the economic impact of the industry’s move in the digital direction.

On Wednesday, we will discuss alternative media in both print form (zines and the underground press) and electronic form (blogs, wikis, etc.)
For Wednesday, please read the following:
Eland, Thomas. “Critical Thinking, Deviant Knowledge, and the Alternative Press
Wright, “The History and Characteristics of Zines” (Part I only)
Barnard College, About zines: Definition, Genres, How to Make a Zine
Your blogging assignment is one reading response blog post.

~Prof. Leonard