Tag Archives: web 2.0

Power of information

In both pieces authors discourse about advance of information. Badke gave us short perspective about how the idea of information evolution with human society and affect it at the same time. Rainolds, in his turn, bring to the table scientific research about how electronic information technology will have transformed American society in a next twenty years. In spite of authors moving with different motivations: Badke needed the basis for his modern information research method, and Rainolds just gave the readers interesting facts, they both make us clearly understand, that information is power, and as any power it has advantages and disadvantages. If Rainolds, actually, not doing much, in his article he just present wise look to the future, Badke describes situation where tail almost willing the dog. In his passages about credibility and quality of both- information and people who use it and care about it , Badke is drawing very sad picture: evil Google and web 2.0 people control the minds of majority and blocking from them real information. Moreover, I mention that Bodke is switching the idea of learning, which is , almost all the time , life  long process, with idea of research, which is, some times, can be done for one working day. Beside of this, I really enjoy my reading, especially NYTimes article and would like to say that in my opinion information research problems mostly depends not from credibility of sources or specific methods of doing research, but from personal experience and intellectual level of researcher. After all, Dorothy realized pretty quick how to survive, even before she understand that it was not a Kansas.