Tag Archives: update

Renovating everything, including the internet information…

The assigned reading was very interesting to read, simply because it is relevant to current events. The criteria used to judge a site’s credibility isn’t the same as years ago. When I first entered college, I remember being told that .org, .gov, and .edu sites were pretty credible and accepted to be used in papers. However, although some are still credible, there are more criteria that are looked at. One of these is mentioned in the list of the five mutations. I also enjoyed how they utilized the word mutations. The internet has definitely mutated to fit into today’s world. The fact that constancy and permanency is no longer the goal and, updating, revising, and correcting are the goals, is something good to hear. I have noticed in my journey to write my research papers for this semester, that journals and articles are likely to have a “revised xx” somewhere on it. To me this is better because it shows that someone found mistakes and edited it or took the time to do further research regarding the topic. We can’t really blame anyone for thinking the permanency of an article to be important. Remember, editing printed information is more difficult than editing an electronic source.