Tag Archives: spying


This week’s topic, metadata, was a new concept for me. I did not know what metadata was or that this type of information existed. Reading about it really shocked me. I am going to focus on the article and video from ACLU. The video is what really interested me because the tone and voice of the students perceived metadata as a good thing. However, I was in shock to learn what metadata actually is and how your whole life can actually be mapped out. For starters, I disagree with the police, as they state “metadata isn’t all that revealing, it’s just numbers”. Clearly, from the presentation, those two students were about to check timing, connections, links, and patterns of information. This to me seems like it is interfering with our privacy rights, although it also seems as if information is being hidden from the general public about what metadata can actually show. You shouldn’t be able to track someone’s life without a warrant. To me its equivalent to getting a person’s medical record chart without permission. Another thing to think about is that like I have previously stated, it is common knowledge, that whatever we put online, is at your own risk. My personal opinion is metadata should be restricted, meaning, unless there is a warrant or YOU want to track your life for self-reflection, then it should not be accessible by anyone.