Tag Archives: Simple

Critique of Documentation.

I went to Wikihow to get a step by step on how to make a saline solution, I chose method 2 of 2.  Step 1 is to mix one cup of water and ½ a teaspoon of salt into a pan; it does ask to make sure the salt is iodized.  Step 2 is to cover the pan for 15 minutes and to allow the solution to come to a boil, within those 15 minutes it is recommended that you to prepare a vessel (jar or a neti pot) to hold the solution once it is done.  One detail that would have been appreciated for step 2 is how high I do set the temperature of the stove because too low and it might take longer than 15 minutes to bring the water to a boil.  In the final step your saline solution is ready for use; I plan to use it for a sore throat so I added lemon juice to the solution.  This walk-through does capture the process, the only critique I have is that the directions should be written in a more detailed manner.