Tag Archives: purpose

Why we document

It was quite interesting to read why we document things we write. I knew about the reasons Protection and Acknowledgment, but I never thought about Commentary, Tracing, or Validation. I always cited sources because I had to and to not get into trouble when it came to plagiarism, but now it makes sense that it also helps out readers in understanding a document more. Documentation adds credibility and further reading for those interested. With commentary the documentation can also add the author’s voice to the piece, without taking away from the main part of the document itself.

Documentation and Purpose

In the excerpt on Documentation by Robert Hauptman, the various applications of documentation are explored. These include: acknowledgement, attribution, tracing, validation, protection and commentary which are sometimes inter-related. Depending on the nature of the work and by what type of individual,  whether an expert in the field or a just a mere mortal such as myself, the purposes for documentation and citation varies. For expert researchers, most if not all of these applications may be used in his or her work for reasons such as giving credit to those that influenced his or her work, aswell as for an attribute or proof for a new discovery.

With the existence of copyright law and what it means to owners of intellectual property, the purpose for documentation by average users may be differ from experts. For fear of being accused or threat of a suit, non-expert researchers may use documentation mainly for the acknowledgment and protection purposes.