Tag Archives: papers

intentional or unintentional…does it make a difference?

In the John Walsh article that was assigned, they question whether the plagiarizing material was intentional or not arises. Granted, this guy did not do it once, twice or three times, it was the norm for him to have identical or close to identical phrases or sentences in his work, without giving credit. They also mention that he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder when he wrote his paper for his master’s degree. I don’t think that is a valid point. From a personal point of view, as college students, we all suffer from some type of stress when we have papers due. That does not give us the OK signal to plagiarize. So I think the question is, is changing the words to synonyms, or omitting small words, make a sentence originally yours. My understanding is if the idea or thought was not originally yours, then you must give credit to who said it first. However, if you agree to the statement, or idea, you should still give credit and agree with the person, rather than just making it your idea.