Tag Archives: news

Critical Thinking: Pros And Cons.

I agree with Eland Thomas about how critical thinking is important, moreover, I agree, that information which is presented for public censored and sorted and never reflect for hundred percent the reality. De omnibus dubitandum – come under question, thats what Rene Descartes offered in this case and I, personally, take it. I understand the author’s idea about nonprofit press ether, but in his proclamation (because it is what it is) he forgets two very important facts: underground press and publishing agency can be corrupt too, and it’s almost impossible to be clear and critical, when we talk about Hot News, like, for example, couple days ago, plain crushed somewhere in Asia, and some agency told it was a plain, and some report it was a helicopter, and, I bet, some of them just ignored it. Critical thinking is good for everything, except quick respond, mass media, especially periodical part of it, will not survive without gate keeping and assortment control from the side; from the other side, because critical thinking its method of logical thinking, and moreover, its scientific method – its take time and certain level of understanding from person who use it. Government control over media happened not only because somebody tried to keep some information in secret, but because majority will not understand it, or even worse – understand it wrong.

Another two articles describe and explain zines as a genre of literature. Which is, in my opinion definitely not new, authors just forget about salon writing of eighteen and ninety century, when people did absolutely the same and even at the same form.

Tweaking the Truth

After reading the article by Eland, I agree 1000% that we are living in a world where our method of thinking is being dictated surreptitiously. Why do we interpret things the way we do? I definitely believe the information that is presented by news channels, newspapers and radio stations and the technique they relay the information, specifically the PARTS they relay, have a large impact on the way we process thoughts in our minds and create opinions.  One section that I can relate to, because I have touched on it when having arguments with others is the question of why do top stories make the cover of the newspaper and who says that it’s a top story. In this aspect, we relate back to gate-keeping. However, in this sense of gate-keeping, I do not believe that it is beneficial. I am the type of person who believes that the government officials and media DO in fact hide things from the public, tweak the truth and hold information for another “Top Story”. I also believe politics do exist when tracking news updates and what exactly Fox 5 or CNN is gaining coverage on. On page 2, he talks about how the alternative press is non-profit and gets its funding from donations. He explains that this provides level of independence. I agree and want to add that we need to remember that Fox 5, CNN, NBC are all competing for the best coverage and what’s “in” at the moment. From what I understand, alternate press relays reality to everyone in society, lower class, middle class and high class, compared to major media which is aimed mostly toward upper-class men.